Monday, December 31, 2007

Ain't it purty?

I think every community should have Pink phone booths (I guess that is what you call this little thing) I remember phone booths as something you could get in out of the rain from, shutting a door, and glass all around you. Not any more, and apparently these are becoming history as well.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

More architectural detail ...

and blue sky. Have a happy new year and don't drink and drive.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

At the Riverwalk ...

I think the thing I like most about this image is the mountains in the background. You just don't get to see them look like that very often, unfortunately. This is from Southwest Bakersfield, California.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Architectural Detail

I thought this lamp had an interesting design.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

gate black and white

Yes the composition is weak . But there is just something about the gate going away and all the detail that I like about this image. From Downtown Bakersfield.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

sun hitting the curve

A new medical building in the southwest Bakersfield area. I though it to be interesting architecture. The image from before came from within this building.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

art Filtered

This is an image of some Artwork I found in a hospital and then I filtered it with some software tom foolery. I though it turned out rather interesting. Enjoy

Monday, December 24, 2007

Reflections galore

I posted this on my Fliker account a while back. I got quite a fair amount of good comments on it. Hope you enjoy it and have a very merry Christmas day tomorrow.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

A nice warm fire

for a cold winter day. It is supposed to drop down to 30 degrees here this morning. I know, for some of you that is nothing cold wise. For around here that is pretty cold. This was taken again during my camping time this summer. Enjoy

Friday, December 21, 2007

Getting ready for school

I discovered after I took this photo that I was being watched. My wife works at this school and one of her coworkers saw me sitting in the car (after dropping her off at work) taking this picture and warned me about such behavior. Apparently last year, the school was being watched by a pedafile with a camera that took images of the young children.

It gets really strange at times taking pictures in this day and age.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Bi Winged Plane

This plane is really big, at least big to what I had seen of bi winged planes in the past. All i Can imagine was it was used for crop dusting, but I am not sure.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Monterey Pine

The larger tree is the Monterey Pine.
I have always loved the way this pine tree looks. It just seems sort of gentle in some kind of way. Maybe the roundness of the shape of it.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pines during the golden hour

There are two times of day when in the outdoors the sun makes for very prime picture taking. An hour before the sun sets and an hour right after the sun rises. In Photographic terms, it is called the golden hour. These two Pines were shot in the late afternoon sun in the mountains.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Cows near the mountains

I took this during the summer when we went camping in the Hills. This was on the way back above California Hot springs.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


This was taken a while back one early morning, about 3:30 am at my former work place. I don't know what the type of light this was, but it cast this weird green color when taken with my digital camera. It was a normal color otherwise, just wasn't real effective as lights go. The streak of white came as I moved the camera for effect right at the end of the shot.

Friday, December 14, 2007

White and Blue

I am having to utilize my archives again, still being gainfully unemployed. The photo ops just are as readily available as they were when I was working full time. Again, hoping this is just a very temporary situation.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Fall Yellow

The trees around here are slowly changing color, which is very nice. For many years growing up, the trees never had a chance to change color. They went right from nice and green to brown, then bare. It so nice to see them change and actually have another season besides winter and summer.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Wood Grain

This is part of some abandoned railroad ties I found. I thought the grain was interesting in this wood.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Rock shadows ....

This is actually part of the same image from below, just a different section I cropped out. I liked the relationship of the rocks, actually little small pebbles, to each other and the shadows they created. I really wish Santa would bring me a new digital SLR that could handle Macro shots.
For those that don't know, a slr is a single lens reflex and macro is where you are able to clearly focus in on very small and delicate images.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


This started out as a dried up puddle of paint, minding its own business. Then I found it and took a picture of it. I then processed it through Ifranview, did some heavy filtering and Wallah ...
I liked the way the coloring turned out in this finished example.

A bugs View ...

Basically, I almost had my camera on this old railroad tie I found amongst a pile of junk and other railroad ties. I had no Idea what the shot was going to be of, except for a rough Idea. I liked the way it turned out.

Friday, December 7, 2007

A clean Ride ...

I caught this downtown on 18th Street the other day while I was doing some business.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Doesn't that look real?

I don't know who thought this up, but it sure doesn't look real to me. It is an antenna for some cell phone carrier. This is about the third one I have seen around town so far. I hope they don't put up any more.

Option A or B ...

Given the choice, I am thinking most people would choose the fire hydrant to fight a fire with. How people back in the day survived with this type of equipment, ... well it had to be rough.

Click here for a larger Image.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

8:57 AM

For a larger image click Here.

A clock in Downtown Bakersfield, CA that has been desaturated and reduced down to 16 colors.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Seen Better Days ...

A derelict and abandoned (I Think) Trailer I found in Northern Bakersfield / Oildale, California. As far as I could tell now one was still staying here, although it had certainly been used for a time. The strange thing was, this was out alongside a fairly well traveled road. It is a pretty good sized monstrosity and ticketing the damn thing wouldn't do much good ... and so it sits.
Found out some one removed this eyesore from the road - YEAH!

Click here for a bigger Image.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Dancing waters

I like to think of this as a study in light and shadow as the water plays with the light coming through against the dark background. I don't have a bigger image of this really.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Where is My Key?

Good thing I am an honest individual. Hopefully this was still there when they came to check their mail.
I found another mail box with the same setup, so I guess this is common practice. I guess this makes sense.

Green and Brick

This was taken near the sizzler at the Icehouse off of Chester Ave. In Bakersfield, CA. I liked the curve of the doorway and the pattern of the brick along with the cool green Ivy going crazy on the wall. An early morning hand held shot.
For a larger Image, Click Here.